Tuesday 30 August 2011

Finally we are here!

It has been almost 48 hours since we flew out of Hobart and we are sitting in the bar of our hotel in Amsterdam. we arrived 11 hours ago and we have spent the day wandering the city. we did an open top bus tour, but sat downstairs as it was raining. We then hopped off at the Royal Palace and Suzie spotted a horse and coach ride.
We then spent the next hour sitting in a coach, being shown the sights of smaller back streets and lanes we wouldn't have seen in a bigger tour, drawn along by our trusty steed Ari. Gram was fascinated by the red light district and even had the honor of being given the finger by one of the lovely window girls.
It will be an early night after only dozing since our early start on Sunday morning. we join the river cruise tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully will have more to share in the next day or two.

love Nellie, Suzie and Gram.

PS It is really hard to blog and add photos when you are in Holland as the blogger now has everything in Dutch!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great so far!! Hope you're all not too jet lagged. Can't wait for the next installment.
