Thursday 1 September 2011

Farewell to Amsterdam

We woke early this morning, up before 7am. Now Suzie and I both like our early morning wake up fag, so we trotted down to the street - all hotels in Amsterdam are non-smoking - in our jarmies with coats over the top. Sat on the chairs of a cafe not yet open and watched Amsterdam wake up.
After brekkie we planned to walk in to the centre of town and take a look at Madame Toussards. As we wandered from our hotel, just a dozen or so doors down we found the most beautiful little Dutch quilt shop, selling fabulous reproduction Dutch fabrics. Could have spent a fortune, but resisted, just bought a small sample of fat quarters and a cute little scrap pack for Fi. She will definitely find a use for these. Almost an hour later we came out, and next door was another one!!! This had more modern fabrics, with beautiful big prints of tulips and irises, plus bright cat fabrics and fabulous vegetable prints. Suzie bought some irises fabric, and I bought some quilt labels.
We finally made it to the centre of town, Madame Toussards had a queue down the street and around the corner!! We are not a patient trio so it wasn't for us. We spent a bit of time checking out the souvenir shops. Gillie - check the Amsterdam magnet box. Tried to get an Ajax top for Rude, but the only had kids sizes. Spent the rest of the time sitting in a cafe watching the crowds around the canals.
We were picked up for transfer to the ship at 2.30pm.

It is magnificent!!! It is a floating 5 star plus hotel.
Will fill you in on bit more later on. About to be briefed for our tours for the next day.

If anyone knows how I can get photo's from my iPad on to the blog I would appreciate a comment or email, so I can share some fab pics on here.

Hope all is well at home, totally relaxed and still plenty of time left here.

Love Nellie, Suzie and Gram

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nellie,

    Just a though on the photo uploading. How about hosting the photos at a different site, like Photobucket or flickr and linking from that to the blog. I've never really used flickr, but Photobucket gives you direct link codes and HTML codes to the photos you've uploaded. Hope this can helps?!

    Say hi to Mum and Gram for me!! <3
